Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Brave "Not So New" World

I am currently reading A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, is a book about a so-called perfectly engineered society. Every person is give a pre-determined destiny. Everything from occupation to social class. Even from fetal development, they are molded to become what they need to be, whether that entails flipping them upside down so as to be better astronauts, or heating them up so they like warmer temperatures and move to South America.
While Reading this book, I did have to complement Huxley on his extraordinary vision into not only the minute workings of the world, but his vision of industrialized society. Many of his predictions about biological developments are correct. However, while reading the book, I could not help thinking of everything that would now be done by computers. This is something I think Huxley, or anyone from his time. could not have predicted. So, as contemporary readers of Huxley's A Brave New World, I see the reader as seeing this as completely plausible. However, one must consider that at the time written, in 1932, it would have been considered extremely fantastic, similar to War of the Worlds when it was published.
So, I think while reading this book, I must keep in mind a Historical Literary context and read it as a reader in 1932. Where this information was not commonly known, and the piece would have been considered fantastic (in the impossible meaning of the word).

Keep Calm and Blog On

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