Friday, November 18, 2011

Resistance Was Futile

So, I've delayed becoming a blogger as long as possible, but I guess I've finally had to cave-in! My blog will be mostly about literary critiques, reviews, and, of course, obsessions. As my first blog post (yay!) I'll give you a little information on what I'm gonna try to do. Just like me, my blog will change with the seasons, I can never stay the same, and the seasons greatly affect me, so I'll so the same on my blog. Well, here I go, into the unknown world of anonymous comments, and unknown viewers, a world of crazy but wonderful things.

Look forward to my first critique/insight -- Inheritance by Christopher Paolini (yes, I am an obsessive fan)

P.S. -- Mrs. Healey, that animation in the corner is for you if you remember my poem(:


Healigan said...

nicely done, mr. major, nicely done. i'm following you now.

austin.major said...

haha thank you! i thought you would enjoy that!